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Detail for 2006 Senate Roll Call Vote 227

Vote Date
Yeas : Nays
31 : 67

Our Congress Position Report shows how every member voted during this vote.

Information about the vote from special interest groups and other information providers in our Report Cards:

Americans for Democratic Action

HR 5631. Fiscal 2007 Defense Appropriations/Ballistic Missile Modification Program.

Sessions (R-AL) amendment to redirect up to $77 million of naval research and development funds to modify the Trident ballistic missile program.

Council For A Livable World

Conventional Warheads for Trident Submarine.

Sessions (R-AL) amendment to restore funds for building conventional warheads for the Trident nuclear submarine.

The Center for Security Policy

Funding the Conventional Trident Modification Program.

The Sessions (R-AL) amendment would have provided the Navy with the funds to convert submarinelaunched Trident ballistic missiles to carry conventional warheads instead of a nuclear payload and would have given the nation more options for attacking weapons of mass destruction sites, terror camps and other threats.