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Detail for 2006 Senate Roll Call Vote 164

Vote Date
Yeas : Nays
57 : 41

Our Congress Position Report shows how every member voted during this vote.

Information about the vote from special interest groups and other information providers in our Report Cards:

Associated Builders and Contractors

Death Tax Repeal H.R. 8.

To make the repeal of the estate tax permanent.

Public Citizen Congress Watch

Estate tax permanent repeal.

Procedural vote (60-vote supermajority needed) to end debate and vote on a bill to permanently repeal the estate tax at a cost to the U.S. Treasury of $1 trillion over 10 years. The estate tax affects one-quarter of 1 percent of the wealthiest Americans. Eighteen families worth a total of $185.5 billion financed and coordinated a stealthy and misleading 10-year repeal effort.

American Conservative Union

Death Tax Repeal.

The Senate defeated a motion to end a filibuster against a bill to permanently repeal of the death tax.



President Bush and Republican congressional leaders have long sought to repeal the federal tax on wealthy estates at the same time when critical domestic programs are being squeezed as a result of earlier Bush tax cuts for investors and wealthy families. Not only would repeal of the estate tax benefit just the wealthiest 0.5 percent of the wealthiest estates, the proposal would cost nearly $1 trillion between 2012 and 2021. Future generations of workers, students and elderly should not be asked to shoulder the added burden of paying for more tax cuts for the super rich. In addition, the media campaign to repeal the estate tax has been bankrolled by 18 wealthy families whose net worth exceeds $185 billion. A cloture motion to end debate on the bill failed.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Death Tax—H.R. 8.

This group has long advocated repeal of estate and gift taxes, collectively know as the death tax. The tax, which is imposed when the owner of a family business dies and the business is passed on to the next generation, can devastate years of hard work and investment. Family-owned businesses can be forced to cut operations, sell assets, lay off workers, and, in some cases, liquidate or sell the business to meet death tax obligations. H.R. 8 would have brought much-needed certainty to small business planning by keeping the death tax off the books after 2010. This would free up resources currently used to plan or pay for the death tax to be spent on business expansion and job creation.

National Education Association

Estate Tax.

This group opposed passage of the "motion to invoke cloture" (close debate and move forward to a vote) on the Death Tax Repeal Permanency Act (H.R. 8), which would make permanent the repeal of the estate tax, thereby seriously jeopardizing funds at the federal and state levels for education and other priorities. The motion failed.

League of Private Property Voters


HR 8: Estate Tax Permanent Repeal- Motion to invoke cloture (thus limiting debate) on the motion to proceed to a bill that would permanently repeal the estate tax. This motion was rejected.

Republican Liberty Caucus (Economic Liberty)

H.R. 8.

Estate Tax Repeal/cloture.

National Federation of Independent Business

The Death Tax Repeal Permanency Act of 2005.

Sponsored by Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., this bill would make permanent the repeal of the death tax contained in the 2001 tax cut law (PL 107-16), which is set to expire after 2010.

Citizens Against Government Waste

Estate Tax Permanent Repeal - Cloture.

The Senate rejected a motion to invoke cloture (limit debate) on the motion to proceed to a bill that would permanently repeal the estate tax.

American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees

Estate Tax Repeal.

The Senate rejected a motion to cut off debate on a bill (H.R. 8) to permanently repeal the federal estate tax. That repeal would benefit just the top 5 percent of the wealthiest estates. The tax revenue loss would amount to nearly $1 trillion between 2012 and 2021, forcing even more cuts to programs that benefit working families and that help fund the jobs of hundreds of thousands.

Children's Defense Fund Action Council

Estate Tax Repeal, H.R. 8.

The Senate rejected a motion to end debate on and bring to a vote a bill to permanently repeal the estate tax on multi-million dollar estates beginning in 2010. Permanent repeal of the estate tax would benefit a small minority of Americans with estates with a net worth exceeding $2 million. In its first full year of implementation, the bill would cost about $58 billion dollars — enough to guarantee two years of health and mental health coverage to the nine million children who are currently uninsured and improve their access to doctors and other health providers.

Service Employees International Union

Senate Rejects Attempted Repeal of Estate Tax.

The Senate rejected efforts to repeal the estate tax. Such a move would have benefited less than one percent of the population and jeopardized the services that millions of Americans rely on. If tax breaks for the wealthy had passed, average Americans would have had to foot the bill through cuts in education, health care and services for the elderly.

Americans for Tax Reform

Motion to Invoke Cloture on the Motion to Proceed to Consideration of H.R. 8; Death Tax Repeal Permanency Act of 2005.

Senate rejected the motion to close further debate on the motion to proceed to the bill.

Alliance for Retired Americans

Estate Tax Repeal.

The Senate defeated a motion to invoke cloture and proceed to a House-passed bill that would permanently extend the repeal of the federal estate tax, which is set to expire beginning in 2010. Repeal of the estate tax benefits only the wealthiest Americans. The loss of revenues threatens the financial stability of the Social Security and Medicare systems. The motion failed.


H.R.8, On the Cloture Motion.

Permanent repeal of the estate tax is a cornerstone of teh business community's agenda.

The Club for Growth

HR 8 - Death Tax Repeal.

Motion to limit debate on the motion to proceed to a bill that would permanently repeal the estate tax. Tax cuts promote economic growth. The motion was defeated.

National Farmers Union

End debate on H.R. 8; Death Tax Repeal Permanency Act of 2005; resulting in approval of repeal.

Senate rejected the motion to close further debate on the motion to proceed to the bill.