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Detail for 2006 House Roll Call Vote 267

Vote Date
Yeas : Nays
243 : 178

Our Congress Position Report shows how every member voted during this vote.

Information about the vote from special interest groups and other information providers in our Report Cards:



H.R. 5576 / Fiscal year 2007 Housing appropriations / Nadler amendment Amendment offered by Congressman Nadler (NY) to provide an additional $70 million for Section 8 housing vouchers, to be offset by a cut to the working capital fund from the Housing and Urban Development Management and Administration account. The amendment was agreed to.

National Catholic Social Justice Lobby

Fiscal 2007 Foreign Operations Appropriations Institute for Security Cooperation Amendment.

This amendment to the FY 2007 Foreign Operations Appropriations bill would prohibit the use of funds for recruiting and sending students to the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHISC), formerly known as the School of the Americas. This group supported the bill because of longstanding opposition to the training of soldiers at the WHISC on the grounds that a number of its graduates, primarily from Latin America, have been trained in counterinsurgency tactics and found responsible for committing human rights abuses.

Children's Defense Fund Action Council

Increasing Low-Income Housing Funding, H.R. 5576.

Representative Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) offered an amendment to the fiscal year 2007 Appropriations bill for housing and other programs to provide an additional $70 million for low-income housing through the Section 8 voucher program to provide 10,000 families affordable housing.

Approximately 60 percent of Section 8 housing vouchers go to homeless families with children who use them to find subsidized housing in the private market. The House passed the bill to provide much needed financial assistance for lowincome families seeking an affordable place to live and raise their children.
