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Detail for 2006 Senate Roll Call Vote 142

Vote Date
Yeas : Nays
63 : 34

Our Congress Position Report shows how every member voted during this vote.

Information about the vote from special interest groups and other information providers in our Report Cards:

Republican Liberty Caucus (Civil Liberty)

S. 2611 / S.Amdt. 4106.

Immigration Overhaul/to kill an amendment to waive certain grounds for denial of admission if denial of admission would pose a hardship to a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.

National Catholic Social Justice Lobby

Motion to Table Durbin Amdt. No. 4142; To provide for comprehensive immigration reform and for other purposes.

Motion to Table Durbin Amdt. No. 4142; To authorize the waiver of certain grounds of inadmissibility or removal where denial of admission or removal would result in hardship for a spouse, parent, or child who is a citizen or permanent resident alien.

Gives the government the authority to exempt certain individuals from deportation under the new enforcement measures if those individuals can make a compelling case for remaining in the country (i.e. demonstrate their absence would result in significant harm to a spouse or family member).
