Information about the vote from special interest groups and other information providers in our Report Cards:
American Conservative Union
Pork Barrel Spending.
The Senate killed an amendment that would have prohibited the use of $700 million in the bill to relocate a railroad freight line in Mississippi.Citizens Against Government Waste
Fiscal 2006 Supplemental Appropriations - Rail Line Relocation.
The Senate agreed to a motion to table (kill) an amendment offered by Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) that would bar the use of $700 million to relocate the Gulf Coast freight line in Mississippi ("The Railroad to Nowhere").The Club for Growth
HR 4939 - Cut Rail Line Pork.
Motion to table, or kill, Coburn amendment no. 3641 that would strip the 2006 supplemental appropriation bill of $700 million to build a freight line. Pork-barrel projects are an inefficient allocation of taxpayer dollars and increase federal taxes and debt. The motion passed.