Information about the vote from special interest groups and other information providers in our Report Cards:
Friends Committee on National Legislation
Support peacekeeping in Darfur.
Capuano (MA) amendment to the FY2006 Supplemental Appropriations bill to add $50 million for peacekeeping operations to prevent further genocide and protect civilians in Darfur.Americans for Democratic Action
HR 4939. Fiscal 2006 Supplemental Appropriations/Peacekeeping Operation in Darfur.
Capuano (D-MA) amendment to increase by $50 million the amount appropriated for peacekeeping operations in Darfur.Citizens for Global Solutions
H.A. 709 to H.R. 4939 Fiscal 2006 Supplemental / Darfur Peacekeeping Funds.
The Capuano amendment increased funding provided in the Fiscal 2006 Supplemental Appropriations bill for the Peacekeeping Operations account by $50 million. This funding was used to bolster the African Union Mission in Sudan (AMIS), the only peacekeeping force on the ground in Darfur.Peace Action
In over three years of conflict in Darfur, Sudan, 400,000 people have been killed and more than 2 million innocent civilians have been forced to flee their homes. Amendment 709 to House Resolution 4939 increased US funds for peacekeeping activities in the region. Rep. Michael Capuano (D-MA) sponsored the
Increase U.N. Peacekeeping Funds.
H.AMDT.709 (A009), Amends: H.R.4939. Sponsor: Rep Capuano, Michael E. [MA-8]. An amendment to increase funding for Peacekeeping Operations by $50,000,000. The amendment was passed.