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Detail for 2006 Senate Roll Call Vote 29

Vote Date
Yeas : Nays
89 : 10

Our Congress Position Report shows how every member voted during this vote.

Information about the vote from special interest groups and other information providers in our Report Cards:

Friends Committee on National Legislation

Senate Final Vote on USA PATRIOT Reauthorization.

This final vote in the Senate agreed to the conference report and reauthorized major provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act. The Senate failed to include important civil liberties protections in its final agreement on the USA PATRIOT Act.

American Civil Liberties Union

Patriot Act Reauthorization.

The Senate passed the USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005. This group opposed this bill because it failed to add to the Patriot Act reasonable, necessary safeguards to protect civil liberties. It made many expiring provisions permanent, including provisions that allow the government to obtain a wide variety of private confidential records using National Security Letters, seek secret court orders under section 215, gag recipients of these record requests with only an illusory right to challenge, and secretly search homes and offices. The bill also expands the death penalty, limits protest rights at major events and coerces businesses to check their employees against flawed government watch lists.

American Conservative Union

USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act.

Senate agreed to the conference report to accompany H.R. 3199, to extend and modify authorities needed to combat terrorism.

The John Birch Society

Patriot Act Reauthorization.

The final version (conference report) of this legislation to reauthorize the Patriot Act is described in House vote #22. The Senate adopted the conference report for H.R. 3199.

2005 Vote #22 reprint:

Patriot Act Reauthorization. This is the final version (conference report) of the Patriot Act reauthorization (H.R. 3199). In the weeks following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Congress quickly passed the so-called Patriot Act, which gave law enforcement and intelligence agencies vast new powers to combat terrorism. The act increased the ability of law enforcement to secretly search home and business records, expanded the FBI’s wiretapping and surveillance authority, and expanded the list of crimes deemed terrorist acts. When passed in 2001 the bill included a “sunset” provision under which the new surveillance powers “shall cease to have effect on December 21, 2005.” The Patriot Act reauthorization bill (H.R. 3199) considered by Congress last year would make permanent 14 of the 16 provisions included in the bill, and extend for four years the two remaining provisions. The House passed the final version of the bill to reauthorize the Patriot Act. (Roll Call 627/N).

Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants

Patriotic Act.

Passed the Patriotic Act.

Partiot Act Renewal.

H.R.3199, To extend and modify authorities needed to combat terrorism, and for other purposes. Sponsor: Rep Sensenbrenner, F. James, Jr. Re-authorization of the so-called Patriot Act. Passed.

The Center for Security Policy

Renewing the PATRIOT Act.

The reauthorization and revision of key provisions of the original Patriot Act provides the law enforcement and intelligence communities the tools they need to protect the citizens of the United States from terrorists and their domestic accomplices.