Information about the vote from special interest groups and other information providers in our Report Cards:
National Taxpayers Union
NARAL Pro-Choice America
ACA Repeal.
FY’18 budget resolution, H.Con.Res.71. Lee (R-UT) amendment to provide budget reconciliation instructions to repeal the Affordable Care Act. (Some anti-choice lawmakers cast what appear to be pro-choice votes; most observers recognize that those votes were cast for reasons unrelated to reproductive health.) Failed.
Citizens Against Government Waste
Fiscal 2018 Budget Resolution -- Health Care Regulations.
Enzi, R-Wyo., for Lee, R-Utah, amendment no. 1430 to the Enzi substitute amendment no. 1116 that would authorize the reserve fund for reconciliation legislation related to repealing or replacing the 2010 health care overhaul law to include such legislation that would nullify certain regulations promulgated by the law.
The Club for Growth
Amendment to the budget resolution to provide for repeal of the 2010 healthcare law known as "Obamacare".
Amendment to the budget resolution to provide for repeal of the 2010 healthcare law known as "Obamacare".