On the Amendment: Paul Amendment to the FY 2018 Budget - Reduces Spending by $43 Billion.
This amendment, sponsored by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), would reduce discretionary spending by $43 billion.
American Conservative Union
H Con Res 71 Spending Cuts.
The Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) amendment to the Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Resolution reduces discretionary spending by $43 billion. This group supports reasonable spending reductions at a time of annual deficits heading back to $1 trillion and a national debt of over $20 trillion and supported this amendment. The Senate defeated the amendment.
The John Birch Society
Budget Cut.
During consideration of the budget resolution (House Concurrent Resolution 71), Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) introduced an amendment to cut $43 billion in budget authority in fiscal 2018. Senator Paul remarked on October 17, 2017, “I want a big, big very bold tax cut. I’m for the bigger the better. And I will settle for less than I want. But I do want the biggest. And I will agitate to make sure that everybody across-the-board gets a tax cut...I can’t get a Republican to sign on, because they give lip service to smaller government, but they’re afraid of their shadow. And not a damn one of them really are for cutting spending.”
The Senate rejected Paul’s amendment. This group supported this legislation because federal spending, much of which is unconstitutional, is out of control and needs to be reined in. While a $43 billion budget cut is small in comparison to the trillion-dollar-plus budgets in recent years, it is a symbolic act that should be applauded.