The John Birch Society
Blocking U.S. Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia.
Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) introduced this bill (Senate Joint Resolution 42) to block the sale of “certain defense articles” to Saudi Arabia, including laser-guided weapons systems and fighter aircraft. Paul has opposed selling arms to Saudi Arabia because the regime oppresses its own people, is engaged militarily in the civil war in Yemen, and has supported ISIS. “Who in their right mind would give money, arms, or share our technology with a country that has been supporting ISIS?” Paul asked on the Senate floor.
The Senate did not vote directly on S. J. Res. 42 but on a motion to discharge the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (where the resolution was pending) from further consideration of the resolution so that it could be considered by the full Senate. The discharge motion, which was made by Paul, was rejected. This group supported the legislation because the United States should not interject itself in foreign conflicts such as the civil war in Yemen (via arms sales to one of the combatants in that conflict — Saudi Arabia), and should not take steps tantamount to going to war without a declaration of war by Congress.