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Detail for 2017 House Roll Call Vote 709

Vote Date
Yeas : Nays
251 : 169

Our Congress Position Report shows how every member voted during this vote.

Information about the vote from special interest groups and other information providers in our Report Cards:


On Passage: $81 Billion of Disaster Relief Funding Without Spending Offsets.

House Republicans have long championed fiscal responsibility and opposed deficit spending. Unfortunately, this measure runs contrary to both of those promises, and would have devastating effects to our economy. Additionally, there is little accountability to ensure that the funds appropriated will be effectively used. The bill provides a staggering $81 billion dollars for disaster relief with absolutely no offsetting cuts in other areas. This is the largest request for a single disaster relief package in United States history. Congress must make corresponding, necessary cuts to ensure that if this relief package is necessary, our economy is not adversely impacted as a result. In addition, this amount of money is excessive and wasteful. It is nearly double the $44 billion that the White House initially requested. It is also substantially larger than each of the standalone disaster relief packages that were passed after Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, $60 billion and $50.6 billion, respectively. This is not to mention that this new disaster relief bill comes in addition to the $52 billion already spent this year on Hurricanes Irma, Maria, and on wildfire relief.

National Taxpayers Union



American Conservative Union

HR 4667 Disaster Assistance Supplemental Appropriations.

This bill appropriates $81 billion in “emergency” funding with no offsets to deal with disaster assistance for hurricanes and fires. This group opposes this irresponsible approach to disaster funding that is double the Trump Administration request, includes billions of dollars that will not be spent for years to come and includes money for cotton producers that were not affected by natural disasters and opposed this bill. The House passed the bill.

The Club for Growth

Passage of the bill to provide $81 billion in supplemental spending for disaster relief.

Passage of the bill to provide $81 billion in supplemental spending for disaster relief.
