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Detail for 2017 House Roll Call Vote 515

Vote Date
Yeas : Nays
215 : 201

Our Congress Position Report shows how every member voted during this vote.

Information about the vote from special interest groups and other information providers in our Report Cards:

National Taxpayers Union




Amendment to Repeal OSHA's Improved Injury Reporting Rules.

This amendment by Rep. Bob Gibbs (R-Ohio) to the Make America Secure and Prosperous Appropriations Act, 2018 (H.R. 3354) prevented funding to implement modernized rules adopted by the Office of Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in 2016 that updated injury reporting requirements and strengthened anti-retaliation protections. The amendment passed, repealing the modernized OSHA injury reporting rule.

Citizens Against Government Waste

Fiscal 2018 Omnibus Appropriations Legislative Vehicle -- Workplace Injury Rule.

Gibbs, R-Ohio, amendment that would prohibit funds appropriated by the bill from being using to implement, administer or enforce Department of Labor regulations concerned with workplace injuries and illness, that were published May 12, 2016.
